

I’m Rachel, 

Welcome to my site! Thank you for being here. Here you can find free resources to support you on your healing journey as well as all of the healing services I provide, to guide you into your most aligned and best self. Feel free to explore around and reach out if you have any questions about the services I offer. I look forward to connecting and hope you find support, healing, and lots of love here.

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Unlock Your Highest Self

This is your hub for all things emotional wellness, nervous system healing, anxious attachment healing,  self-love, and feeling all the feels. Through my coaching services, I will help you feel and understand your emotions without letting them run the show. We will focus on developing skills to aid in emotional wellness, building internal safety, effective communication, self-care, and life transitions. We will process stored pain and trauma and reparent your inner child for a full nervous system rewiring. On my site, you will find client testimonials speaking on how they developed a more meaningful relationship with themselves and others in order to live a life most authentic to them.

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A little about me


Hello, beautiful humans! My name is Rachel Kelly. I am a clinically trained therapist with a masters in Clinical Social Work. After 7 years in the traditional mental health therapy field, I decided to leave both therapy jobs I had in order to start my own healing coaching business as it felt like a better fit. 

I now have a life coaching business, specializing in emotional wellness, trauma processing, nervous system healing, inner child work, anxious attachment, assertive communication, and self-love. I work with clients who perhaps have tried traditional therapy, medication, all the healing things and are still feeling stuck. These are people that have potentially done some healing work on themselves already but are still feeling as if they want more out of life! I help those who still at times avoid their emotions, have difficulty with effective communication, or struggle with self-compassion. Lastly, I help those struggling with anxiety to create internal safety in their bodies so they feel safe to expand and create their dream lives. If you're tired of your inner child running the show and your nervous system being stuck in survival mode and have yet to find anything that actually heals the root, you are in the right place.

Get To Know Me

"Rachel resonates light and love and she comes to each session with a lot of care and compassion. And she made me feel super comfortable - like she was one of my best friends! She supports you through doing the HARD WORK. Healing your inner child. Fighting fear and limiting beliefs. And being very very vulnerable. Because of the work I did with Rachel, I did something I NEVER thought I’d do - quit my 9-5, 90k salary job to become a full time artist."


Tina Meetran

Let's Connect!